Brazilian soccer players alongside Iranian women

THESupport for the battles for rights can be done in many ways and this time the Brazilian soccer players have decided to continue to defend the common cause of Mahsa Amini the face of the revolution in Iran. And so on one side of the plane of the national team flying to the World Cup in Australia an important message of sisterhood was shown.

The forbidden dance of Iranian girls: the regime is after them

Brazilian soccer players with Iranian women

Next to the portrait of the Iranian girl who died for wearing the veil badly was written «No woman should cover her head». The other side of the aircraft was dedicated to the footballer Amir Nasr-Azdani, sentenced to 26 years in prison for demonstrating in favor of women’s freedom.

The message of the green and gold players has gone around the world.

Iranian women

Masha Amini the face of the Iranian women’s revolution

The death, on September 16, 2022, of Mahsa Amini, aged 22, arrested because her veil was not worn as required by the authoritieshas provoked a wave of protests, especially female protests, repressed in bloodshed and unjustified arrests.

Cutting locks of hair as a sign of protest

The young woman was in Tehran shopping with her parents when the moral police, a unit responsible for enforcing the code for women under Ayatollah Khomeini, stopped and arrested her for wearing the hijab incorrect and showed tufts of hair.

His fate then was to die mysteriously. From here, the act of cutting strands of hair has become the sign of protest of many women.

The story of Amir Nasar Azadan

Amir Nasr Azadani, on the other hand, was sentenced to 26 years in prison due to his participation in the anti-government protests that have been going on for almost four months in Iran, i.e. since after the killing of the girl-symbol of the ongoing revolution. The sentence for the footballer relates to a demonstration in Isfahan where three members of the security forces were killed.

Sport supports the struggle for Iranian freedom

Other prominent figures from the worlds of art and sport have joined the protesters in recent months. For example, many football players such as Sardar Azmoun of Bayern Leverkusen who condemned the security forces on Instagram: «Shame on you. Long live Iranian women.”

And also the player of the Sepahan team from Isfahan, Fatemeh Adeliwho after a goal turned towards the audience placing one hand over her eyes and the other over her mouth, to symbolize the harsh repression underway.

