Again, the police have to clear an outdoor pool

Police officers are standing in front of the entrance to the summer swimming pool in Neukölln Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Caroline Bock

From BZ/dpa

Once again, a Berlin outdoor pool has been closed and cleared early due to scuffles and unruly visitors.

On Sunday evening at around 5.45 p.m., the security service at the Columbiabad in Neukölln decided to clear the pool, the police said.

Despite repeated requests through loudspeakers, some young people and young men did not leave the water for a long time and kept jumping in, as a dpa reporter observed. Ultimately, officials from the Berlin police helped clear the pool.

For the umpteenth time, a Berlin outdoor pool had been closed and cleared early due to scuffles and unruly visitors Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Caroline Bock

In the course of the summer there have already been several incidents in which the police had to intervene in outdoor pools. Many rioters are known, but the house ban issued can hardly be checked at the entrance.

Because of the problems, the well-known so-called mobile police guards should be standing in front of selected outdoor pools over the course of the summer. This is a kind of small police station on wheels, such as police buses, which are equipped with chairs, desks and laptops inside.

For several years now, these mobile guards have been positioned in parks, in front of train stations or in problematic crime-heavy locations “to show presence and be approachable”, as the police put it.


Berlin baths outdoor swimming pool beating eviction
