‘Who broke down André Hazes Jr.?’

If Bas Smit and Nicolette van Dam organize something, you can be sure that something will go wrong. This time it is about cutting off André Hazes jr. “It was very crazy”, says Patty Brard.

© SBS 6

It is an amateurish blunder: the Amsterdam Summer concert by Bas Smit and Nicolette van Dam ended Saturday night without end. André Hazes jr. was happily singing some songs when he was suddenly cut off in the middle of his song Live Brute. His microphone was simply turned off and everyone suddenly had to leave.

Femke angry?

André was not allowed to finish his song, no one was there to thank the people for the evening, everyone just had to leave. It resulted in an absurd situation; the people drooped off in dismay. Were any fuses blown somewhere? Was Femke Halsema herself came by to pull the plug because it was already eleven o’clock?

Bas and Nicolette themselves pretend that it indeed had to do with the permit and that the municipality had become a bit angry. “At a certain point, the municipality is just very strict about that: it just has to stop, so we already crossed the line and that was the end of the story,” he says to Show news.

‘It really fell dead’

According to Patty Brard, that reading is incorrect. If the permit is so sacred – you can make noise until 11:00 pm – then you stop at that time and not in the middle of André’s song at 11:07 pm, she says at the desk of the show section.

Patty, who was present at the concert herself, says: “We all assumed that it had something to do with the municipality and the permits, because it was really so abrupt that even André Hazes was surprised: what is this? going on? It really fell dead.”

City denies

According to Patty, the municipality denies that they have maintained André’s song in the middle. “We called the municipality today and they say that they have not had any nuisance or complaints and that there has therefore been no question that they ended the concert earlier.”

She continues: “It was also very strange, because normally those concerts last until 11 p.m., until then you have a permit, but here it was really at 11:06 p.m. or 11:09 p.m.: pam! It was very strange, because the whole stadium didn’t know where to go, because normally you also have a ‘thank you’, Nicolette and Bas or an encore.”

‘Suddenly nothing’

It is really strange that a concert ends like this, says Patty. “Last year, for example, it was like: ‘Thank you for being there.’ And this was really 25 thousand people who were screaming like this and suddenly there was nothing.”

Anouk Smulders also thinks it’s a strange story. “Don’t you have time to finish that song?”

Patty: “I don’t know how it went.”

Dyantha Brooks: “I understand Anouk. Then you would think: let him at least sing Live that last time and then: boom. This was very abrupt.”

Angry from stage

Anyway: André was according to RTL Boulevard not amused about this mismanagement of Bas and Nicolette. According to the show section, he stormed off stage ‘angrily’ when he was cut off.

And on Instagram he says about his aborted performance: “Yes, I found it really sour …”
