Inter, official Frattesi: |

Sassuolo will go to 27 million between onerous loan and obligation to buy

Davide Frattesi is an Inter player. The negotiation had been concluded for some time, the official announcement also arrived on the Inter website on Thursday evening. The player, who has signed a 5-year contract, will cost 27 million in total between loan and redemption obligation. The 2000 class striker Samuele Mulattieri will also go to Sassuolo, valued at 8 million.

the greeting

Simultaneously with the announcement, the greeting from Sassuolo with whom Frattesi has played the last two seasons (75 games and 11 goals): “Fighting spirit. Overwhelming strength. Fierce of soul. Proud that you have been part of the family neroverde. Good luck Davide, you deserve a bright future”.

the first words

“It all started a year and a half ago – Frattesi told Inter TV -: playing against Inter I was struck by the stadium and the fans. For me it’s an important factor, and when the opportunity arose I didn’t think about it a moment. I hope to win some trophies, I will put effort, seriousness and hopefully some goals. I will play together with champions from whom I will try to ‘steal’ something in training. Playing at San Siro as an opponent was difficult, but as an Inter fan it will be a motivation further. I can’t wait to score and celebrate under the curve.”
