Huizen has found a new place for the large group of vulnerable Ukrainian refugees on Bovenmaatweg. The group was in danger of becoming ‘homeless’ because their rental contract expires next fall. They are now getting a new temporary home a little further in Huizen.
The group sounded the alarm last spring because they were afraid of being housed in different places after their lease expired, which would cause the group to fall apart. They made an emphatic appeal to the municipality of Huizen against NH to prevent this.
They have to leave their familiar place because it is being converted into a residential care location for Sherpa clients. These are people with dementia, for example, who are now staying in other places in Huizen and have been waiting for a new place for some time.
The high word is now out for the group: at the end of this year they will be given new accommodation in temporary residential buildings on the Ellertsveld. This means that little else changes for the group – despite the familiar place.
The location found is the result of about a year of searching by the municipality, housing corporation De Alliantie and Sherpa. The search was difficult, because the group of Ukrainian refugees are all people with disabilities. Finding a good building was not easy, because they are scarce. That is why Huizen is now coming out for a field where temporary living containers are placed.
This location meets all the important conditions for the reception of this vulnerable group of people. One of the most important conditions was the fact that residents must maintain a connection with the neighborhood where they have been living for more than a year now. “They are now finding their way in the neighborhood and vice versa. There are good contacts with social organizations, the nearby churches, schools and residents living near the current location. They also use care providers in the neighborhood, including general practitioners,” said the municipality.
So that seems to work now. The plans will be further developed in the near future, including with the refugees themselves.