The Poll: what’s your pet’s name?

The most popular dog names are Luna and Max. For cats, that’s Nala and Simba. Hamsters are often called Hammie and guinea pigs Babbel. In our province there are probably plenty of pets with special and fun names. For example, think of a dachshund called Takkie or a cat called Guus Mauwis.

According to a American research shows that pets have a positive effect on people, especially for lonely people. The research shows that people with a pet are about 36 percent less likely to become lonely. They also had much more happy feelings in a day than people without a pet.

Having a pet would also make people feel more like making social contacts. In addition, this happens faster with dog owners anyway, because they are more often outside to walk their dog. This would also make them more extroverted.

James Dog

But what do you name your pet? There are a few tips for coming up with the perfect name: for example, you can name your pet after their birthplace. A dog from Spain then becomes José. But you can also name your pet after a movie character like James Dog. Or you name your pet after your favorite drink, such as Whiskey.

What’s your pet’s name? And why?
