That’s why the Loveparade successor could be canceled

According to media reports, the major techno event Rave the Planet in Berlin is said to be about to be canceled. With the new edition of the Loveparade, the organizers wanted to attract hundreds of thousands of ravers to the capital. Due to failed safety precautions, the Berlin Senate could now overturn the mega party.

No paramedics at Rave the Planet?

According to information from the “Berliner Zeitung”, the organization around DJ Dr. Motte fails to organize paramedics for the event. First responders are particularly important as the midsummer rave can often cause exhaustion among the exhausting dancers. The administration of the city of Berlin said that the organizers had not concluded contracts with the Malteser Hilfsdienst early enough.

The faux pas could now ensure that the capital’s Senate declares the event inadmissible. Like the Loveparade from 1996 to 2000, Rave the Planet was to take place on Straße des 17. Juni and extend from the Großer Stern to the Brandenburg Gate. The party, which was also supposed to be a peace demonstration, even had a motto with “Music is the Answer” and the right song for it, which Dr. Motte and Jam El Mar contributed. Up to 300,000 visitors were expected.

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Rave the Planet was founded in 2020 as a non-profit organization in Berlin by Dr. moth founded. The DJ wanted to revive the spirit of the Love Parade, which he first organized in 1989. At that time, the Techno-Open-Air was still a demonstration across West Berlin’s Kurfürstendamm. With its growing popularity, the demo became the most important event in rave culture, attracting up to 1.5 million dance enthusiasts in its prime. After the organizer went bankrupt in 2005, an attempt was made to organize the event in the Ruhr area. With the accident at the Love Parade in Duisburg in 2010, in which 21 people lost their lives and 652 others were injured, the Love Parade finally came to an end.

Rave the Planet did not go unchallenged either. In addition to criticism of the commercialization, there were also accusations of proximity to the so-called lateral thinkers: inside environment.
