Rave the Planet: Organization comments on the medical service situation

Due to a lack of first aiders, there is a risk of cancellation. Organizers are now trying to correct this.

Due to a missing contract with the Malteser first aid service, the Berlin protest parade Rave the Planet, planned for July 8, 2023, is about to end. Berlin’s assembly authorities are threatening to cancel the huge techno party, as it seems that there was no agreement between the Maltese and the Rave the Planet organization. A short-term replacement for the medical service could not be found either. Now the organizers took a position on the events.

Rave the Planet allegedly blocked by Berlin aid organizations

In an official press release available to MUSIKEXPRESS, the organization around DJ Dr. Motte, Timm Zeiss and Ellen Dosch-Roeingh their version of the incident. As a result, contact had already been made with the Malteser Hilfsdienst eV in March 2023. In addition, the medical service took part in the second joint meeting with the Berlin authorities two months later. The route of the techno move and the first changes to the security concept are said to have also been on the agenda. However, Malteser reported that they could not cope with the major event in Berlin’s Tiergarten on their own and were dependent on the help of another organization. That would not be an approach that is unusual in the industry, the organizers write in their statement.

Further security measures and infrastructural planning were also discussed during a third joint meeting in June 2023. Service providers for sanitary facilities and catering have probably already been informed about the needs of the Maltese. After that, the aid organization didn’t get in touch after several emails and finally rejected Rave the Planet on June 21.

Commercial and non-commercial medical services in Berlin then also blocked further inquiries. All possibilities to win associations from other federal states are said to have been prevented by the Berlin aid services.

The Berlin assembly authorities have now imposed on the Rave the Planet a self-financed medical service for the demonstration on June 17th Street. Lawyers for the Rave cultural organization are currently reviewing these requirements.

At the moment there is no final, official cancellation of the event.

The techno rave took place for the first time in 2022 as a new edition of the Love Parade. Despite an estimated 200,000 visitors, the move was criticized, among other things because of so-called lateral thinkers who wanted to use the party for their own purposes.
