The story at the Hunebed

A guide from the OERmuseum will tell ‘the story of the hunebed’ on Saturday morning 8 July from 10.30 am. Together we look at the hunebed and it turns out that there is a lot to know and to tell about it.

The story, which takes place 5000 years ago, is very fascinating. The visitor goes along in the time of the hunebed builders: of the first farmers, their life and culture, their houses and animals, the landscape then, of beautiful pottery. And of course answers are given to questions such as ‘how did they make a hunebed and why?’ Coffee and tea are provided. A folding chair is allowed. The story is told at Diever’s dolmen on the Groningerweg (direction Landhotel). The costs are 5 euros per person. Sign up by mail.:[email protected]
