“Apple publishes productiedoelen Vision Pro-bril” | tech

Apple has published product information for long periods that have been introduced in the Vision Pro-bril. Chinese manufacturers who produce new gadgets for Apple in Elkaar, worstelen namelijk with the complexe ontwerp van the headset, reported zakenkrant ‘Financial Times’ on the basis of anonieme bronnen.

KIJK. Apple announces long-awaited ‘mixed reality’ bril aan: de ‘Vision Pro’

Apple will now make less than 400,000 pieces of the headset in 2024, which cost 3499 dollars gaat. This is declared around Apple and Luxshare Precision Industry, the Chinese require the equipment in the first instantie in Elkaar zet, next to Krant.

Two in China announced leveranciers from other countries show that Apple is in the first year all over the world the number of headsets is between 130,000 and 150,000. Also, there are plans for a projected version of the vision Pro zijn uitgesteld.

The new production forecast is based on the crane for the warehouse and the avankelijkeinternal verkoopdoelstelling van Apple van 1 million pieces in the first twaalf maanden. Apple, that vrijdag as the first Amerikaanse bedrijf een beurswaarde van Meer dan 3 biljoen dollar wist te bereiken, wilde geen commentaar geven tegen de krant.

augmented reality

The Vision Pro, the previous requirement will be accepted, is a mixed-reality device. With the bril computer beelden over the reality heen been laid (augmented reality of AR) by middle of the camera’s, which were then om je heen tones. It can also be used for virtual reality (VR) in the known films and in the games of computer pellets.

The apparaat, which looks like a high-tech ski bridge, has its own ordering system in a special App Store. The Vision Pro is scheduled to begin in 2024 in the United States. Pas later zullen other land follow.

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KIJK. Apple announces long-awaited ‘mixed reality’ bril aan: de ‘Vision Pro’
