A 58-year-old man dies in a house fire in Seville


07/03/2023 at 09:29


The firefighters received notice that the balcony of a second floor was on fire – There were no evictions, although the damaged home was greatly affected

a man of 58 years He died this morning in a house fire registered in the Seville town of Écija, as reported by Emergencias 112 Andalucía.

The event took place at 2:20 p.m. when the neighbors alerted Telephone 112 of a fire in an apartment located on Avenida Cristo de Confalón.

According to witnesses, the second floor balcony It was on fire, so the coordination room activated the Provincial Council Fire Department, the 061 Health Emergency Center, which mobilized a medical team and an ambulance from Écija, the National Police and the Local Police.

When the emergency services arrived at the scene of the accident, they could only confirm the death of the victim.

Firefighters have reported that there were no evictions and that the damaged home was greatly affected.

At the moment, no further information has been released about the Causes that caused the fire.
