Mosquito net bonus, reconfirmed: how to get the deduction

ANDstate means holidays, that’s for sure. But summer also means windows that are always open, that is mosquitoes and insects unwanted in home. Therefore, just as with the high temperatures the purchases of air conditioners grow dramatically, so does the sale of mosquito nets. But since Italy is the country of bonuses, even to protect yourself from insects there is a discount on purpose which has been reconfirmed for this year as well.

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Mosquito net bonus, reconfirmed

This is the so-called mosquito net bonus, a measure which, closely linked to the eco-bonus created to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, takes the form of a 50 percent tax deduction in the tax return.

To obtain it, it will be necessary to install, in the reference year, mosquito nets with solar shielding, i.e. those which allow the temperature to be maintained inside a home. The maximum expenditure allowed by the bonus for the purchase and installation of mosquito nets, to be done by 31 December 2023, is 60 thousand euros.

Deducted mosquito nets (Getty)

Who is it up to

To access the mosquito net bonus, you need to have a real right on the property where they will be installed, be it private, commercial or productive. Furthermore, as regards the type of mosquito nets, not all of them are deductible: among the conditions for obtaining the deduction, the legislation establishes that only those who permanently install devices with solar shading can have it and only if the devices are newly installed, i.e. mounted from scratch and not where they were previously.

Mosquito net bonus: how to request it

The Aeneas, the National Agency for Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, is the entity to which the application must be sent to obtain the mosquito net bonus, attaching all the necessary documents. Clearly, needless to say, payment with traceable systems is mandatory, such as wire transfer or postal and bank transfer. The disbursement of the Irpef or Ires deduction will take place for a total period of 10 years in equal installments.

