Drooping eyelids and dark circles: two innovations in aesthetic medicine

Non medical studies, the demand for so-called “soft eye treatments” is rampant, minimally invasive interventions capable of giving a natural result: «Among the procedures presented at the latest aesthetic medicine congresses, two new products in particular focus attention on the gaze and around the eyes: the radiofrequency for droopy eyelids and an innovative fillers which promises to make dark circles less noticeable,” he explains Maria Gabriella Di Russo, specialist in hydrology, aesthetic doctor and member of the Agorà Milano scientific committee. Let’s find out with the expert what it is.

No-scalpel blepharoplasty for droopy eyelids

Plastic surgeons and aesthetic doctors agree that in order to successfully resolve the appearance of droopy eyelids the most effective solution is the blepharoplasty. Which today adopts a decidedly measured approach.

«The scalpel is increasingly being used without exaggeration. The interventions are increasingly focused on small problems, with artfully positioned incisions so as to make the scars invisible», he explains Marco Klinger, professor of plastic surgery at the University of Milan and head of the plastic surgery unit at the Humanitas Research Hospital in Rozzano, Milan.

Drooping eyelids and dark circles create shadows on the gaze, which becomes dull, aged. Aesthetic medicine proposes new protocols to solve these blemishes, and which exploit radiofrequency and new generation fillers (Instagram photo @bellahadid).

Today there is an alternative – a new technology DAS Dermo Ablation Surgery. «It is useful in the treatment of eyelid skin laxity of a mild/moderate degree, and allows to perform the non-surgical blepharoplasty» continues the doctor Maria Gabriella Di Russo.

The new procedure uses the principle of radio frequency. Its peculiarity is that it acts by brushing, i.e. not directly on the skin. «The equipment that delivers it is programmed in a specific way: as the special tip approaches the epidermis stops the emission of the electromagnetic wave», underlines the expert. “As a result of this action, the tissue retracts and the eyelid is lifted.”

The extreme precision of the device allows you to concentrate large amounts of energy in very small areas of tissue (1 mm in diameter), and does not involve the surrounding skin folds.

The protocol is performed in the clinic. «It does not require anesthesia. Half an hour before the session, which lasts about 20 minutes, an anesthetic cream is applied on the affected part, which will then be removed before the painless energy is vaporised», says the expert.

The eyelid retraction effect is appreciated immediately. “The adjacent skin under the tail of the eyebrow can be treated in the same way in order to increase the opening of the gaze”, explains Maria Gabriella Di Russo. «What you see as soon as the session is over is the same result that will be maintained over time, months or years». To obtain appreciable results, 3 meetings are recommended.

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The new generation filler that dissolves dark circles

They can form due to bad local micro-circulation, or be the manifestation of hyper-pigmentation of genetic origin. The rings under the eyes are not all the same, but generally create dark areas that they remove brightness from the gaze, making it appear aged.

To mitigate them there is the new procedure eye lights, developed by Dr. Maria Gabriella di Russo. «It uses a handpiece equipped with 3 micro-needlesdesigned to ensure uniform release, which they inoculate a new generation filler based on HPT polynucleotides, highly purified fractions of DNA extracted from fish gonads», explains the expert.

“This molecule has the property di stimulate tissue regeneration and, thanks to the absence of hyaluronic acid, it does not cause edema. The skin immediately appears plumped, luminous, taut. The dark circle disappears». The session lasts about 20 minutes, and cycles of 2 sessions are recommended to be repeated throughout the year as needed.

