Sánchez warns that repealing his model could slow down the Spanish economy

Spain It is a leader in economic growth, job creation and inflation control, as highlighted by the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchezupon arrival at European Council which is held this Thursday and Friday in Brussels. A “success of Spanish society” that could be put at risk if the People’s Party repeals the economic policy of the Government. “They are considering repealing what works and if the Spanish economy, in the midst of the war in Ukraine, is going like a motorcycle, the sensible thing to do, what common sense brings, is not to repeal what works, because repealing what works can make the Spanish economy put the brakes on”, warned the socialist leader in reference to the next electoral appointment of July 23.

The first thing that Sánchez said as soon as he arrived at the European Council headquarters in Brussels was to highlight the reduction of the CPI to 1.9%the lowest figure since April 2021. “The fact that Spain is the first of the main European economies that has seen the evolution of the CPI fall below 2% is very good news. Knowing also where we come from. In the month July of last year, the Spanish economy registered a rise in prices that brought us to 10.8%. Today we are at 1.9% and it is extraordinary news”, said Sánchez, who has placed Spain as the leader in economic growth, job creation and control of price developments.

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In a context as difficult as the current one, with a war in Ukraine that also affects Spain, the President of the Government wanted to highlight, at the last summit before assuming the rotating presidency of the EU, that Spain is “the main economy that is growing the most”, that it is creating “employment like never before ” and that he is “lowering and controlling prices like nobody else in the European context”.

A balance that he considers “a success of the country” and of “Spanish society” and that shows that “the Government is applying an economic policy that is showing its fruits in terms of job growth, economic growth and inflation control” , he added, aware that “much remains to be done” but stressing that they are heading “in the right direction”. Sánchez has also valued the next rotating presidency of the EU, which Spain will assume on July 1 for the fifth time in its history. A task that they undertake with “enormous ambition and gratitude”.
