Soon live: dozens of tallships entering the port of Den Helder with the Sail In

It will soon be very busy in the port of Den Helder. Between 12 and 4 pm, dozens of tall ships sail into the port of Den Helder. This ‘Sail In’ is the official start of Sail Den Helder. In addition to the tallships, naval ships and possibly some pleasure boats and sailing heritage also sail along. It promises to be a beautiful sight.

During the Sail In, all tallships will gather at the Rede van Texel to sail into the port of Den Helder together. This is clearly visible to the public from the side.

NH is of course there. From the mainland we film the Sail In from start to finish. You can watch live between 12 and 4 p.m. as the huge ships are escorted into the port. In addition, both a video and a radio reporter sail along on one of the boats; their reports can also be viewed on our site later in the day.

From the quay, our reporter Kelly reports on the opening of Sail. That report will be online on our site in the evening. After the Sail In, all ships can be seen and visited by the public. On Friday and Saturday they are open from 10am to 8pm.

Crew Parade

The crew members will then introduce themselves to the city tomorrow in the festive Crew Parade, a parade through the city center. Follow this dazzling parade live via the website and on TV from 4.15 pm. The event is expected to attract more than 200,000 visitors this weekend. All stories that NH makes about Sail can be found at

Sail Den Helder is this week from June 29 to July 2 and NH is there daily to report. The ‘Sail In’ can therefore be followed today via a live stream on the website and tomorrow we will make a live TV broadcast around the Crew Parade from 4.15 pm. On Saturday and Sunday, Sail is combined with the Marine Days.
