The PP accepts a face to face between Sánchez and Feijóo in Atresmedia and proposes another debate with seven parties

He PP has accepted the proposal Atresmedia to organize a face to face between Alberto Núñez Feijóo and the PSOE candidate, Pedro Sanchez, for next Monday, July 10, and has raised another debate to seven with the PSOE, PP, Sumar, Vox, ERC, PNV and Bildu, to be held on Wednesday, July 5.

“The PP accepts both proposals, since this communication group was the first to address us on May 29,” said “popular” sources, who have insisted on the PSOE, which is “eager for debates” to accept “this approach today.” “For this reason, we hope to start talks to agree on their terms as soon as possible,” they have indicated.

Atresmedia raised its offer of debates once the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, announced the call for general elections for July 23. However, the group then proposed holding a face-to-face between Sánchez and Feijóo for next July 19 and a four-way debate, with the leaders of PP, PSOE, Vox and Sumar, for July 12.

From Atresmedia they have confirmed that they have received this Tuesday afternoon the confirmation of the Popular Party to go face to face, which had already been accepted by the PSOE. However, the group points out that the formations “have not specified the details and the exact date of it.” The ‘popular’ want this meeting between the two main political leaders to take place on July 10.

Likewise, regarding the debate to seven that the Popular Party wants, from Atresmedia they have indicated that they “take note” of this proposal to carry it out on the channels of the audiovisual group.

For their part, socialist sources have indicated that they once again accept the face-to-face approach proposed by Atresmedia but have insisted on the ‘popular’ so that they also admit the debates raised by the rest of the media.

Rejection of the PP to RTVE

In this context, the PP’s Deputy Secretary for Institutional Action, Esteban González Pons, has sent an email to the president of RTVE, Elena Sánchez, in which he accuses the head of news for the public entity of being “part of the campaign strategy of the PSOE” with the electoral debates before the general elections of July 23, in what he considers a “crude use of the public by the government party”.

The PP has spread this email message to Elena Sánchez after the PSOE has denounced that the PP was not going to attend the meeting called this afternoon by RTVE to discuss the details of the electoral debates for the general elections on July 23 , which was going to attend all political forces except the ‘popular’, according to socialist sources.

In his email, González Pons stresses that in the previous electoral campaigns, in all those in which “face to face” debates have been held, the negotiation of these debates has been carried out between the political parties.

For this reason, he explains that the PP summoned the PSOE to a meeting on Monday, but that formation “chose not to attend, breaking the negotiation.” “What we could not even imagine is that the recovery of that broken negotiation, on behalf of the PSOE, was going to be led by the RTVE news chief. It does not surprise us, but I admit that we did not expect it,” he stresses.

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Thus, the leader of the PP considers that RTVE, like the rest of the channels, could have contacted all the parties separately, but summoned them “by letter, only to the PSOE and the PP, indicating an irremovable date and time, to promote the same meeting that, on Monday, the PSOE declined to hold”, is “going too far, even for the type of news leadership that has been imposed on the public”.

The person in charge of Institutional Action of the PP has transferred to Elena Sánchez that, since the PP does not trust the “neutrality” of RTVE, it considers the “common letter” of this Monday as “one more proof of its partiality”.
