US announces millions more in military aid to Ukraine

WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) – The US government is providing Ukraine with further military aid to ward off the Russian war of aggression. The Department of Defense announced a new $500 million military equipment package in Washington on Tuesday. According to the Pentagon, this includes ammunition for Patriot air defense systems, Bradley armored personnel carriers, Stinger air defense systems, mine clearance equipment, thermal imaging systems and night vision devices.

“We will continue to support Ukraine in defending its sovereignty and territorial integrity against Russian aggression,” said Deputy White House Speaker Olivia Dalton. The United States is considered Ukraine’s main ally in defending against the Russian invasion. According to Pentagon information, since the beginning of the war at the end of February 2022, the USA has provided or promised military aid of around 40.5 billion US dollars (almost 37 billion euros) for Kiev./nau/DP/he
