Pleasant journey: This makes the flight as pleasant as possible for the crew and passengers

Passengers should avoid these mistakes

A flight attendant who has worked in this profession for ten years revealed to Business Insider which avoidable mistakes many passengers make. So her first tip is not to walk barefoot on the plane as the floor is dirtier than it looks. If you still want to get out of your uncomfortable shoes, you could, for example, pack hotel slippers in your hand luggage instead. Not only are these lightweight, they can even be easily disposed of at the end of the flight.

Another avoidable mistake when it comes to in-flight hygiene concerns the seat pockets. Even if aircraft are cleaned after every flight, there is often no time to thoroughly disinfect all seat pockets. While it should be clear that passengers should not store items in the seat pockets that are not appropriate for this location, the flight attendant has found countless dirty diapers and underwear in this compartment. So you should think twice before storing food there, for example.

The flight attendant also points out that if you are unfriendly to the crew, you will not be helped. Of course, air travel can be quite stressful, but this should not be left out in the wrong place. On the contrary – passengers should make more effort to ensure that the flight attendants like them, after all they are responsible for the catering and safety of the passengers.

For the sake of safety, one should always pay attention when the safety regulations are explained. For example, if the crew asks them to put on their seat belts, this also has an important reason. Even if this reason is usually not communicated in the event of an emergency in order to avoid panic, such requests should always be followed.

The advantages and disadvantages should always be carefully weighed when choosing a place. According to this, front wall seats, i.e. seats between the compartments, sometimes offer a little more legroom, but they also have downsides. Babies are therefore more likely to be found on the front wall in the front row, as this is where the cradle is usually located. The rear bulkhead can sometimes become an uncomfortable place to sit, as you can hardly lean back.

Caution should also be exercised with alcohol and medication. Passengers often underestimate that the low humidity on an airplane can lead to dehydration and the low cabin pressure reduces the oxygen levels in the blood, which makes it easier to get drunk on an airplane. You should be careful here, especially in connection with medication. However, in order not to become dehydrated, you should drink enough water. The flight attendant recommends only drinking bottled water, as the quality of tap water can vary greatly depending on the airline. Furthermore, one should not try sleeping pills for the first time during a flight. You should always consult a doctor beforehand.

If you consider that during a flight you often spend several hours in a confined space with other people, consideration is essential for a pleasant journey. Accordingly, one should already be aware of the limited space when entering the aircraft and pay attention to the freedom of others. Consideration is also required when using things that have a strong odor, such as nail polish. The air conditioner spreads these smells throughout the machine.

Finally, the call button should only be used for urgent matters. Using the call button for smaller, non-urgent concerns can result in crew distraction from passengers who actually need urgent assistance or even a medical emergency.

These are the flight attendants’ favorite passengers

Another flight attendant explained to the travel reporter what makes good passengers – and that starts with boarding the machine, because a good passenger greets the flight crew in a friendly manner. In addition, good passengers travel with reasonable luggage. If you bring luggage of the appropriate dimensions that can be stowed under the seat in front of you, you are not only doing something good for the flight attendants, but also for the other passengers. In this way, faster boarding can be guaranteed for the other passengers and the flight attendants are spared some stress. Finally, the flight attendant explains that an exemplary passenger gives the flight attendants their trash instead of leaving it lying around or dropping it on the floor. The tidier the passengers, the faster the plane can be prepared for the next flight. “The magic formula is to be polite, considerate and respectful of one another,” the flight attendant concluded.

For this reason, passengers may be expelled from the aircraft

If a passenger behaves particularly badly, the crew is entitled to remove the passenger concerned from the aircraft. Under certain circumstances, this can even mean that the machine not only has to make a stopover, but that the flight even has to be canceled completely. Reasons for eviction could be, for example, that a passenger is heavily intoxicated, behaves disrespectfully or even aggressively towards the crew, physically attacks someone or tries to open an aircraft door during the flight.

E. Schmal/Redaktion

Image sources: Markus Gann /
