Statement of the day | The fact that holidays have become much more expensive is reason to stay close to home

Two weeks in a mobile home for 4000 euros, a glass of wine on the terrace for 6 euros, a hotel that costs hundreds of euros more in a year. Holidays have become very expensive.

At least that is the opinion of the majority of the inhabitants of Drenthe, Groningen and Friesland who participated in a poll by DVHN.

Most people do go on holiday, but some of them make other choices to reduce costs. For example, they go shorter or less far away, choose a cheaper accommodation or take the car instead of the plane.


For seven out of ten northerners, the summer holidays are important enough to go anyway, high prices or not, according to the poll. What do you think? Are the increased prices for holidays a reason to stay close to home? Or do you not care about it and stick to already made plans for a trip abroad?

Participate in the statement of the day and give your opinion.
