Barcelona reopens its beaches after a night of Sant Joan “without remarkable incidents”

Shortly after nine in the morning, the first bathers have already been able to enjoy the Barcelona beachesafter one Sant Joan night “without remarkable incidents” and “normality”, as highlighted by the deputy mayor of Seguridad, albert batlle. He has done it in a media attention from the Nova Icaria beach, after meeting with the cleaning and safety teams of the city, accompanied by the newly elected mayor Jaume Collboni.

Up to 80,000 people have gathered overnight on the Barcelona coast. However, at 6:30 in the morning, the Urban Guard It has begun to evacuate the area, so that the beaches could be cleaned and left operational and reopened between 9 and 10 in the morning. A task that has been able to be carried out without setbacks.

No “serious injuries” by stabbing

Beyond the coast, during the night there have also been 269 ​​breathalyzer tests, of which 32 have come out positive, although only two of them have turned out to be criminal offences. As reported by the person in charge of the Guàrdia Urbana, the body is not aware of any serious traffic accident, nor no “serious injuries” from stabbingalthough two were arrested for gender violence.

However, EL PERIÓDICO has evidence of at least one stabbing during the night. A middle-aged man was wounded near the chest and had to be treated on the Paseo Marítim. The toilets performed a bandage on the left arm, at the height of the heartbut he was not seriously injured, as Albert Batlle has remarked.

The Barcelona security forces have also had to intervene in a “mass botellón” in Ciudad Meridiana, although shortly after nine in the morning the situation had already been controlled. In addition, in the city as a whole, there have been fires in 34 containers, 9 bushes, 7 trees and 3 vehicles.

Desire for “normality” during the summer

For all this, the deputy mayor has celebrated the “normality” of the night, after a few years in which the vernas of Sant Joan have been marked by the pandemic, and he has hoped that the rest of the summer nights follow the same trend. “It is what we would like to see happen all summer,” he has defended before the media.

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The council had prepared for tonight a device made up of 400 agents of the Guàrdia Urbana, who have worked in coordination with the Mossos de Esquadra and the Port Police.

As was done last year, the Urban Police and Mossos have carried out eight “safe routes”, protected by agents, to leave from points with a high concentration of people, such as the beaches, and reach the access to public transport. Some devices that, according to Batlle, have worked correctly and have helped to ensure the safety of the night.
