‘Eunice can be the first storm in years’: it is from verwachtingen

What is the verwachtingen?

Het KMI heeft zijn warschwing voor storm Eunice, who bereiken ons land van midday zal, opgeschaald naar code orange. The storm wind during the day should meet between 14 and 15 and between 18 and 19 in front of the coast, Oost- and West-Vlaanderen and Antwerp. Code oranje applies to the provinces.

First of all, what he said about the construction of the art in West-Vlaanderen might not have been done according to the code of the road. That’s not the case before, weerman David Dehenauw weten on Twitter. Het KMI has been the start of the waarschuwingssystem in 2004 nooit code rood for wind aangekondigd.