40 years of radio in the trunk of a Seat 131

He said Josep Cunimounted on a Seat Supermirafiori 1430 – 131: «Driving a museum car I think that maybe I am also part of the museum». It was one of the moments in the documentary that TV3 has dedicated to the 40th anniversary of Catalunya Ràdio.

Meditable sarcasm of cuni. I think that what this station needs is a wax museum that immortalizes its figures. With the particular paradox that it is a wax that is still very much alive, many succeeding in other areas of radiophony. cuni (today on RNE) reminded him of I was enough (today in RAC1): «We had a very clear principle: everything that was said in Spanish could also be explained in Catalan». Indeed. The tremendous thing came years later, when the explanation ceased to be an explanation and became the construction of an imaginative story. as he pointed Toni Clapes (another figure that is no longer on this station): «I prefer to say ‘good’ (instead of ‘be’) so that more people join. Not as if we were a sect in which we are and no one else enters ».

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In my opinion, the start of the imaginary story reached its splendor when Monica Terribas adapted the Almogávar war cry (‘Desperta ferro!’) and transformed it into “Wake up Catalonia!”. own terribas commented in this documentary: “The key is to generate in society the need to be informed.” oh! If we had the desire and time, we could analyze what is information and what has been pure doctrine. It has been tried in this documentary to merge the glory of the past with the situation of today. Given the evolution of audiences, the past is a summit that the current ‘sherpas’ of the station look at from a much lower plateau. I liked that in the review of the most successful programs I have participated Manel Fuentes. She had to leave the station in 2013, with a sonorous ‘trencadissa’, and yet she dedicated words of affection to them. They should have invited Carles Cuni, who was snatched in 1996 by his mythical ‘Nit dels ignorants’. It is verified that if we do not go into details, every birthday party is magnificent.

The current course of this station, in tune with its parent company CCMA, I think the couple of trench comedians have marked it well Peyu and JAir Dominguezwhen they said: “If I were to be born again, I would choose to be Spanish.” Cheer up. More was lost in Cuba.
