ACV takes action against LAR: ‘Many drivers drive around tired’

ACV takes action against LAR: ‘Many drivers drive around tired’

The action takes place for the first time in 12 European countries, not coincidentally on June 21, the longest day of the year. Liesbet Verboven, ACV Transcom: “We hand out flyers to the drivers to encourage them. We also give them a drink and an energy bar to give them extra energy to get through the day.”

Pressure from employers

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A European study shows that 6 out of 10 truckers and 7 out of 10 bus drivers admit to being tired behind the wheel at times. Moreover, wages in the transport sector are low and there are too few drivers. Driving 12 hours a day or more is no exception, despite strict rules regarding driving and rest times. “We also hear stories from drivers who immediately confirm to us that they are encouraged by their employer to drive longer in the evening, to take less rest at night. Inspection services are doing everything they can, they are doing a good job. they detect break-ins on the three trucks.”

More and better equipped car parks for heavy transport is another demand of the transport unions. The car park at the LAR is certainly not a textbook example: the toilets have not worked for years, due to a discussion about who is responsible for maintenance and cleaning.
