Dynamo Dresden: Captain Tim Knipping returns to SV Sandhausen

Dynamo Captain

Captain Tim Knipping leaves Dynamo Dresden and returns to SV Sandhausen, for whom he played from 2016 to 2019 and played 61 games (four goals). The 30-year-old central defender, who made 39 appearances for SGD in the past season, is leaving Dynamo on a free transfer after three years and is the eighth new signing at the second division relegated team.

“Tim is a player who, with his experience, will hold the place together defensively – that’s why we brought him in. We’re glad he’s here,” said sports director Matthias Imhof. New coach Danny Galm added: “Tim wanted to play SVS right from the start and is very motivated. That’s why we’re looking forward to his second time in Sandhausen and hope that it will be just as successful as his first.”

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