Völler makes it clear: Flick “the right one”

DFB sports director Rudi Völler sees no reason for a discussion about Hansi Flick’s future as national coach.

“Hansi Flick is an absolute top coach and the right person for this task. He will decide things in such a way that we will play a good European Championship in Germany,” Völler said in an interview with the “Bild” newspaper. “But I admit that we are not yet able to generate the euphoria for the home tournament as we have planned.”

After the 3: 3 in Bremen against the Ukraine and the 0: 1 in Warsaw against Poland, dissatisfaction with the German national soccer team had increased again. In the past 15 international matches, Flick had only won four victories. Next Tuesday (8:45 p.m. / RTL) the DFB selection will play against Colombia in Gelsenkirchen at the end of the season.

“I’ve been in the business for a long time. I also understand the disappointment of the fans and the general public. There is currently a headwind that only we can turn into a tailwind through good performances and victories,” said Völler and answered the question of how often Flick can still lose before a coaching discussion is held: “Once again: Hansi Flick is absolutely the right coach for this team.”
