“Thought Row Zero played Hallenhalma”

The interview program “Schuler! Questions, what is” is an online format by the 58-year-old journalist Ralf Schuler that has existed since the end of 2022. Until last October, the man headed the parliamentary editorial office of “Bild” and resigned there without notice because, according to information from the magazine “Cicero”, he did not want to “stand firmly by the side of the LGBTQ community in the iron-fisted fight for human rights and against discrimination”. He then joined Julian Reichelt’s production company Rome Medien GmbH.

This background information is important for the context and the media environment in which the Dresden author Uwe Tellkamp has now given a longer interview about his view of things in general – and the “Causa Rammstein” in particular.

Tellkamp, ​​who otherwise locates himself in the dignified grumpy circles of the better Dresden society, likes the oeuvre of Rammstein like so many others.

When asked about the debates about “Row Zero”, he emphatically admits that he would still very much like to hear the band.

“I’m a big fan, a self-confessed fan. I like Lindemann’s poetry,” says the award- and bestseller-winning Suhrkamp author, who also speaks directly for Till Lindemann in the current affair. From afar, with a view of the graceful Elbe valley, he diagnoses “that nothing is really there” and “that one influencer” has already distanced herself, so to speak.

He doesn’t like the fact that the Cologne-based literary publisher Kiepenheuer & Witsch has mentally separated from his buddy “without any real proof”: “I find that perfidious, I find that hypocritical, that suits me up to here!” He also dropped a little joke: “Until now, I always thought that Rammstein Hallenhalma was played in Row Zero…”

This gives the “Rammstein case” an expanded dimension, in which self-proclaimed freethinkers versus “Me-Too” activists and the alleged “Woke madness” are campaigning. It is no longer clear whether statements like these would be liked by Rammstein or Lindemann themselves. A groupie scandal has also turned into a political skirmish.

The social media comments are not long in coming:

“Tellkamp wakes up angry in the morning and goes to bed angry at night. This will definitely affect his health. Hopefully…” says “Primero Lopez”.

“Pfancake Man” cheerfully writes into the speculative bubble: “Somehow I have my doubts that reactions à la ‘She knew what she was getting into’ and ‘typical women greedy for money’ would be the same if the same allegations were made against a rapper migration background would judge …”
