Verdi wants to continue warning strikes in retail in parts of eastern Germany

The Verdi union has called on workers in retail and mail order in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia to go on further warning strikes. On Friday, for example, retail workers from various companies are to strike a Kaufland branch in Rudolstadt, Verdi announced on Friday.

On June 1, the first round of negotiations in the collective bargaining dispute in the retail and mail order trade in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia remained fruitless, according to the union. Verdi demands 2.50 euros more per hour for the employees, which corresponds to an increase in the base salary by around 15 percent. The term should be 12 months. The employers would offer increases of 7.5 percent – but stretched over two years, it said.

“We will continue to expand our strikes to other retail establishments in the coming weeks. We are going on strike until the employers’ association understands that you can’t treat our colleagues like this and make us a negotiable offer,” said Matthias Adorf, trade union secretary in Thuringia.

In addition, Verdi is calling on workers in the Dresden retail trade to go on warning strikes on June 16th and 17th. Grocery and textile retailers are also said to be affected there. Most recently, employees in retail and mail order in northern Saxony-Anhalt were called on to go on a two-day warning strike. (dpa)
