Louna Kasvio, 17, laughs: The ancient SE to pieces

Louna Kasvio improved the SE time of the 1,500 meter freestyle by a considerable margin.

Lunch Vegetable broke the Finnish record in the women’s 1,500-meter freestyle at the Pori Swimming Championships on Friday. The plant undercut Eva Lehtonen by a good 1.47 seconds of the 14-year-old record held in the name.

17-year-old Kasvio is the 1992 Olympic bronze medalist Antti Kasvion daughter and trainee. The new record is set at 16:51.30.

– Swimming felt good and now it feels good. A little tired. In January, I swam 15 seconds slower in the same sport, and then we were in the middle of training, Kasvio commented in the Uimaliito press release.

Another SE time was also seen on Friday, when Cetus from Espoo set a new record time of 7:34.26 in the men’s 4×200 meter freestyle relay.

The WC swimming in Pori continues until Sunday.

Louna and Antti Kasvio are aiming for success. JANI KORPELA
