Paper factory Eerbeek closes after six months

The Finnish paper and cardboard company Stora Enso plans to close the De Hoop paper factory in Eerbeek, Gelderland, six months after the takeover. That factory has only been in the hands of the Finns since the beginning of this year. De Hoop employs approximately 185 people who are now threatened with dismissal. Trade unions FNV and CNV find the planned closure outrageous and demand that Stora Enso first look at a sale of the factory to maintain employment.

The planned closure is part of a larger reorganization at Stora Enso, which also includes the closure of branches in Finland, Poland and Estonia. In combination with other measures, this means that 1,150 employees will disappear from the company.

Stora Enso says the closure is due to overcapacity in the European corrugated board market. (AP)
