The girl and the officer, second episode: plot previews

dfter last week’s debut, Channel 5 one day earlier second installment of the Turkish series The girl and the officer. Over episodes 4, 5 and 6 – on air tonight at about 21.20 – the love story between Kurt Seyit Eminof and Sura Verjenskaya it is put to the test by the war, but also by prejudices.

The girl and the officersecond episode

The love at first sight that made them fall in love leads to the wedding. Sura (Farah Zeynep Abdullah) and Kurt (Kivanc Tatlitug) get married, but soon after Seyit has to leave for the front. When they say goodbye, they swear eternal love. He asks her to wait for him, even though she knows she may not return, but they accept her risk.

To ease the suffering, Sura writes to Kurt constantly. She sends dozens and dozens of letters in which she explains her need to have him by her side. She wants them to build the life together that she is dreaming of. Unfortunately he doesn’t receive news for months and fears the possibility that something irreparable has happened to him.

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Meanwhile Petro Borinsky (Birkan Sokullu) plots behind the woman’s back. The officer shows interest in Sura and the families consider the possibility of celebrate a new marriage. Sura, however, is in love with Kurt and lives in anticipation of her return. However, the hypothesis of the wedding turns into a specific request from the family. Sura doesn’t fit, she knows that theirs is a true love even if she doesn’t have the tools to prove it, and a fight breaks out with her loved ones.

Kivanç Tatlitug (Kurt) in the series “The Girl and the Officer”. (Mediaset)

Kurt Seyit loses a dear friend

On the front, things are no better. Vladimir, one of Kurt’s closest friends, dies. So, Seyit is going through a very difficult time. Sad and upset, he finds support in the only thought that gives him some serenity: thinking of his beloved and hoping to go home as soon as possible.

At the Verjenskaya home, however, life goes on and everyone is grappling with the engagement of Valentina and Konstantin. During the party, he arrives Baroness Lola Polynskaya (Asli Orcan), determined to talk to Sura. This she, annoyed by the Baroness and also by the pressure to which she is subjected, starts a scene that attracts the attention of those present.

Her sister Valentina takes sides against her and reproaches her for having an unbecoming attitude. In parallel with love affairs, suspicions about Petro make their way. Rumor has it that is not as upright as it appears and that, on the contrary, is secretly plotting against the Tsar. In fact, he is accused of financing the rebels.

Finally, in the third episode airing tonight, the relationship between the sisters Sura and Valentina seems definitively cracked. Valentina explains that should leave Kurt because their relationship – at this moment one-way, since he never replied to her letters – damages the honor of the family.

Kivanç Tatlitug and Farah Zeynep Abdullah are Kurt and Sura in the series “The Girl and the Officer”. (Mediaset)

The girl and the officerSura victim of Petro’s deceptions

Sura doesn’t listen to reason. He knows that Kurt is the man of her life and who, sooner or later, will return. Furthermore, she has no intention of cheating on her husband and marrying Petro. After months of silence, it turns out that Kurt is not missing at all. He always wrote to Sura, but his letters never reached their destination.

Once again, the manager is Petro. It was he who burned them in the palace fireplace to make sure Sura didn’t receive them. Time passes and Kurt’s silence causes Sura to feel serious physical discomfort, which reaches its climax when Petro informs her that he died in battle.

The collapse is immediate and to assist her is Valentina, who constantly takes care of her. Despite the bad news, Sura still dreams of Kurt. He hopes it’s a mistake and he gets back to her. Petro takes advantage of Sura’s weakness and the delicate situation to come forward. He promises his father that he will take care of her for life. A real trap from which it will be difficult to get out unscathed and which threatens to undermine the relationship between the girl and the officer.

