Trump pleads not guilty to 37 charges, wants rival Biden prosecuted for corruption | Abroad

UpdateIf Donald Trump wins the US presidential election in 2024, he will appoint a special prosecutor to prosecute incumbent President Joe Biden and his family on corruption charges. That said the former president on Tuesday in a first response to his own prosecution in the state of Florida for withholding secret files and documents.

Former US President Donald Trump had to report to the court in Miami yesterday, where he was arraigned in the case of the secret government documents found in his private property. It is the first time that a former president has been charged at the federal level, but Trump speaks of “appalling abuse of power”.

The indictment that was made public on Friday shows that he is charged with, among other things, “withholding information about national security” and “obstruction of justice”. According to the document, he endangered US national security by carrying nuclear secrets.

The hearing in Miami took place behind closed doors. The 76-year-old billionaire, who dreams of returning as president after the 2024 elections, was due to appear in court at 3 p.m. local time (9 p.m. Belgian time), which informed him of the 37 charges against him. Trump took dozens of boxes of files, including classified files containing sensitive information, to Florida when he left Washington.

Trump supporters waited for him at the courthouse. © AP

Trump was arrested and brought before a judge. He pleaded not guilty to the charges. Since prosecutors are not concerned that Trump will flee pending trial, he was allowed to leave the court without conditions. Because he is very recognizable, he did not have to have a photo taken before the session started. His fingerprints were taken.

It was the second time in a short time that Trump was brought before a court. Ten weeks ago, Trump was due to appear in court in Manhattan for hush money charges he paid a porn actress. Even then he said he was innocent.

Response Trump

Former US President Donald Trump denounced his formal indictment in a federal court on Tuesday, calling it an “appalling abuse of power”.

To supporters at his New Jersey golf club, he accused his Democratic successor Joe Biden of being “corrupt” and attacking his “main political opponent.” “Very sad to see,” Trump said. “A corrupt incumbent president has had his main political opponent arrested on false and trumped-up charges allegedly involving himself and numerous other presidents in the midst of a presidential election campaign in which he is losing terribly.”

If Trump wins the US presidential election in 2024, he also promised to appoint a special prosecutor to prosecute Biden. Trump believes Biden is “the most corrupt president” in the country’s history, he said on his own platform Truth Social.

LOOK. Donald Trump shows himself waving at the courthouse in Miami


Trump’s co-defendant, Walt Nauta, traveled with the former president to the courthouse in a separate vehicle. Nauta also had to appear in court today, but that was postponed because he does not have a local lawyer. His arraignment was moved to June 27.

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