Maradona in Seville, 30 years ago the last in Europe

June 13, 1993: Diego had taken refuge in Seville. He had a bad knee, he had recovered from drug addiction, he met a coach friend. And that day against Burgos he said goodbye to the old continent

THEOn June 13, 1993 – exactly thirty years ago – Diego Armando Maradona played his last match in Europe. He played in the Spanish Liga, he was wearing the Sevilla shirt, the number was obviously 10. The match was Sevilla-Burgos, it was the third to last round of the championship, his teammates included his friend El Cholo, Diego Simeone, and Croatia centre-forward, Davor Suker. It ended 1-1, with Burgos grabbing the equalizer right after the end. Diego played for fifty-three minutes before being replaced by Javi Pineda. He left the pitch furious, shaking his head blatantly and cursing his coach, the Argentine Carlos Bilardo, the former coach who – with Diego, thanks to Diego – had won the world cup in 1986 in Mexico. Maradona hadn’t trained all week.
