This worrying meteorological phenomenon will arrive in Spain in the coming days

06/13/2023 at 09:25


The state body activates all alarms for an “unprecedented” phenomenon

“2023 stands out with an anomaly in the sea temperature, which is unprecedented”

We have been suffering the consequences of climate change for years, no matter how much some people insist on denying it. And the rise in sea level temperature is just one example. Attentive to strange phenomenon that some AEMET meteorologists warn about and that it will reach the Spanish Atlantic coasts throughout this summer.

This chart by Leon Simons is truly descriptive of the extraordinary things happening this spring in the Atlantic Ocean.“, start typing JJ González Aleman, PhD in Physics and Higher State Meteorologist (AEMET). If you look at the image attached to his tweet, “2023 stands out with an anomaly in the sea surface temperature, which is unprecedented in previous years” (see the red line).

We also observe that it is a clear trend in recent years: 2020, 2021 and 2022 had already had a really anomalous behavior.“, Add JJ González Aleman in your professional account Twitter. The outreach work carried out by this meteorologist is fascinating, bringing the complex world of meteorology closer to the entire population.

The effects of this sea temperature anomaly are diverse: affect the marine ecosystem and can cause storms such as hurricanes characteristic of the season that we are about to begin gain strength more easily. Hence the extraordinary nature of this meteorological phenomenon.
