Pedro Sánchez warns of the “budget risk” that a Feijóo government may entail

The president of the Government, Pedro Sanchez, has raised the economy and the economic policy measures implemented in the last legislature as a fundamental element to gauge the importance of the upcoming elections on July 23. The president took advantage this Friday of the forum to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the newspaper ‘Cinco Días’ to alert businessmen and the Spanish population of the risk posed by a PP government and its repealing bills by generating a situation of true “budget risk” for Spain. Sánchez has demanded “transparency” from the PP and that it debate with the PSOE the economic policies that it intends to implement if Alberto Núñez Feijóo is elected president of the Government in the next elections.

In Sánchez’s opinion, a possible repeal of the economic measures resulting from the arrival of the PP in Moncloa would cause a frontal clash between the Spanish Executive and the European Commission, which could lead to sanctions and the paralysis of European funds, as has happened in Italy . “The elimination of measures agreed with Europe and already implemented means, in political and budgetary terms, contravening the regulation of recovery and resilience mechanisms”, he said, because “failing to meet our commitments with Europe has clear consequences”.

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“You cannot play with the economy in these moments of uncertainty,” said Sánchez. He has described the achievements that, in his opinion, Spain has achieved under his government, with the reduction in temporary employment rates of 50%, the greater emancipation of women or the empowerment of the sectors with the highest added value . He has given as an example the 20% growth in the number of Vocational Training students since 2018, or the greater weight of research in Spanish companies thanks to public support. The current situation is, according to his words, “hopeful” and the data “forceful”, within the framework of an “enormous transformation” that is threatened by the candidacy of Feijóo, who has announced that “he wants to repeal what has been advanced”, according to Sánchez.

But according to Sánchez, the risk is not only of reversing an effective labor and industrial policy, but undoing passed laws can have “serious consequences” and a clear “budgetary risk” as it could lead to the breach of economic commitments with the EU that put the European funds agreed for Spain at risk. According to Sánchez, Feijóo’s electoral triumph on July 23 will mean “plunge Spain into instability”, despite the fact that the country is currently a reference in the efficiency of the economic measures adopted, “a model of success that the PP wants to load,” he said. He has criticized that the PP refuses to discuss economic issues and it is necessary for the Spanish people to know what is at stake in the next elections. “And in front of the PSOE, there is nothing”, he has concluded.
