The neighbors of Lida, the woman murdered in Cornellà: “How could she bear that?”

The red cart is still on the landing of the building where Lida lived, a 39-year-old Honduran woman murdered this morning by her partner. All the neighbors knew her for this object, where she moved her two-year-old son from here to there who witnessed the six stab wounds with which her father ended her mother’s life. The block, with more than 20 homes, does not have an elevator. There were many who helped Lida to get the minor up to the house, and that today they wonder if they could have done something to avoid this fatal outcome.

At two in the morning it was when the screams of terror were heard. “I heard screams from many women, several women,” insists a neighbor who hasn’t been able to sleep a wink for hours. It was the residents of the block who alerted the Mossos, although when the patrol arrived the blood was already flooding the entire floor and it was impossible to save the life of this mother. Others did notice the screams of the police vehicles, but being parties in the city they turned their heads on the pillow. And there were many who didn’t even notice.

This is the case of an octogenarian man who knew Lida and helped her whenever he could. He today he is desolate. “I saw her that she was going with the cart and it was difficult for her to get the child upand since then he helped her every day,” recalls the man, who prefers to speak anonymously. It was common to hear fights between the couple. “He insulted him, yelled at him… he told him everything,” says the man, who Today he reflects on himself. “I thought so… How could he bear that?“, he wonders. A doubt, more than reasonable, that he never came to ask Lida. And that today eats at him from the inside.

Fights in the fruit shop

She was a very smiling and nice girl…nice“, says another neighbor, also from the same country as this mother. “We met one day on the landing and since then we talked oftensome days I took care of the child at home so she could go to work“, says this girl, also the mother of a very similar minor. “Of his life, and his relationship, he did not speak,” he continues. The father, and confessed murderer, was rather absent. This neighbor does not even know what It had a face. Yes, one of the shop assistants at the neighborhood greengrocer knows it. “I once saw how he scolded her for the things she bought; when she went with him, he blamed him for the most expensive things…”, continues the young woman. Now everything takes on another meaning. There, in the fruit windows, no one could imagine that Lida’s life was in serious danger .

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The mayor of Cornellà, Antonio Balmón, has stated that Lida lived with more people on the floor. But the story of the neighbors is somewhat different. Mari Carmen, on the first floor landing, maintains that the girl had lived on the farm for years and that her partner arrived long after her. Others maintain that the couple had the apartment rented, and that the presence of her two brothers was subscribed to when she needed them to take care of the minor, since she worked in a restaurant. What is certain is that last night, in the middle of the festival, the house was rather full of relatives. “We thought they were having a party,” says Mari Carmen.

Be that as it may, the building is in mourning today. Also the whole city. Three days of mourning have been decreed and all the events planned for the Corpus Christi festivities this Sunday have been cancelled. The neighbors have already cleaned the bloodstains from the landing, even without being fully aware of what happened. Some have seen like this morning the Mossos have removed suitcases of clothes from the apartment. “I suppose it’s the child’s things, I doubt the family wants to continue living there,” they reason. But the red cart, with which everyone recognized Lida, is still there intact. “It’s just that I see it… and my hair stands on end,” said a neighbor.
