Special: Esther allows Canarian plants to grow meters high on the cold Texel

It is an exceptional specimen. The 4.15 meter long plant Echium wildpretii stands proudly in the garden of Esther Zijm from Texel in Den Burg. Remarkable, because the pink variety is only found on La Palma (Canary Islands). “I think it’s a very beautiful plant and thought: oh, I’m going to try and see if I can raise it. This is the result,” says Esther with some pride.

Esther Zijm from Den Burg with her more than four meters high Echium Wildpretii – NH News/Edo Kooiman

Growing special plants has been her hobby for many years. There are several exotics in the garden of the Texelse on the Sluyscoog in Den Burg. “The plant is comparable to the snakeweed, which also grows in the dunes here,” says Esther. “A plant with small blue flowers.”

De Texelse is a member of the Dutch Tub Plant Association. The association with approximately 600 members aims to promote the keeping and promotion of tub plants. She was able to grow this special specimen through a seed list from the association. “I think it’s a very beautiful plant.” At the time, she did not yet know whether it would succeed or whether it could also grow on Texel.

The plant has beautiful purple flowers – NH News/Edo Kooiman

Esther has grown the plant in a pot in the greenhouse behind her house. And last year she put the plant in her garden. “At the beginning of this year he was 1.80 meters and has now grown to more than four meters.” In the beginning, the plant was wrapped with fleece and clothespins. “To protect it from the cold. But I didn’t expect it to be such a success.”

The plant, which can grow up to five meters, has almost finished flowering. And it has now also received a younger copy. “That was by accident. I had put a pot from the greenhouse in the garden. And a second plant has now grown from it.”

A second smaller plant is now also growing in the garden in Den Burg. – NH News/Edo Kooiman

She now has many requests to donate seeds. “I get a lot of responses via the exotics page on Facebook,” says Esther. “You also have an exotics fair. You also come across rarities there.” She is interested in growing special plants. “If you’re infected with it, you can’t get rid of it. It’s my passion and my life. I get a lot of pleasure out of it and it also gives me energy. Soon I’ll also have a beautiful plant with mini bananas. That’s beautiful?”

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