Reduce power consumption in summer: save energy – this is how it works

Clothesline instead of dryer

The warm temperatures in summer ensure that life can be shifted outside more. The same applies to laundry. In warm temperatures, laundry dries much faster than in winter, especially if you hang it out to dry in the sun. As a result, a power-guzzling household appliance can already be completely unplugged in summer: the dryer. However, instead of just leaving it in the corner unused, the dryer can be unplugged directly from the socket so that it no longer uses any electricity.

The heating should not continue to run

The heating should not only be turned down, but turned off completely. If possible, the heating can also be set to summer time.

Do not leave devices on standby while on vacation

Another way to save is by taking a well-deserved summer vacation. Don’t leave unused devices on standby while travelling, as they consume power even in this mode. Here it would also be better to switch off and unplug the devices completely during the holiday period.

It can also be worth defrosting and de-icing the refrigerator before you go on vacation, as it can work more efficiently and thus save energy when you return without icing up.

Unplug the second fridge after every party

Summer time also means party time. Friends are invited, there is a barbecue and large groups of family and friends sit together. Many therefore have a second refrigerator ready to provide additional cooling space. After every party, however, the second refrigerator should be unplugged again so that it does not cool unnecessarily and consume electricity.

Ventilate and darken cleverly instead of air conditioning

Instead of leaving the air conditioning running all the time, bargain hunters should ventilate the room in a targeted manner and lower the shutters to keep the house as cool as possible. It should be aired at the cooler times of the day, i.e. in the morning or in the evening. Those who skilfully protect themselves from the sun’s rays and ventilate cleverly often no longer need air conditioning. And before the air conditioner is bought, a fan can be tried out first. This consumes significantly less electricity than the air conditioning system.

Make the most of the hours of sunshine

If you have a solar roof, you should switch to solar power as much as possible during this time. If you don’t have solar panels, you can still use the many hours of sunshine. Many smaller products for the garden or balcony, such as plug-in lights, can already be operated with solar energy.

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Image sources: Chones /
