How foreign embassies continue to ignore the Dutch judge

The Dutch Ihssane was fired by the Algerian embassy after years of loyal service. Unjustified, the judge ruled. But the embassy ignores the ruling and Ihssane does not get what he is entitled to. The Dutch government is struggling with these and similar matters, says Bram Endedijk, and has few legal legs to stand on. But does the Netherlands always behave properly abroad?

Also read this article by Bram Endedijk: How embassies in the Netherlands ignore the courts and ex-employees are the victims.

And watch the earlier episode of BOOS here: How embassies destroy lives and undermine the rule of law.

Do you have questions, suggestions or ideas about our journalism? Then email our ombudsman at [email protected].

Bram Endedijk
Floor Bean
Ignace Shot
Reuben Pest
Henk Ruigrok van der Werven
Olivier Middendorp
