Chinese scanners used by customs still pose a security risk | Interior

The scanners of the Chinese brand Nuctech used by Belgian customs pose a security risk. ‘De Tijd’ reports this today on the basis of information from a judgment of the Council of State.

Finance Minister Vincent Van Peteghem (CD&V) said in February 2021 that there were no indications that the scanners pose a security risk. But according to the ruling, the Federal Public Service Finance “found upon further investigation that Nuctech indeed had potential security risks”.

The State Security would have pointed, among other things, to ties with the Tsinghua University in Beijing, from which the company originated. That university would play a role in cyber espionage and other defense projects of China.

Stand-alone operation

Customs will continue to work with the purchased scanners. “But they will function standalone. They are therefore not connected to a central data network, where the main security risk is located,” says the spokesman for Finance in De Tijd.

The case before the Council of State was brought by the Polish branch of Nuctech after a new order for X-ray scanners. Nuctech was not informed about the tender, unlike two British competitors. The Council of State ruled that security interests were good reasons to exclude Nuctech.

REVIEW. Concern is growing over Chinese scanners used by customs
