What is an incisional hernia: Pope Francis’ operation

“At the end of the General Audience, the Holy Father traveled to A. Gemelli University Hospital where in the early afternoon he will undergo a laparotomy and plastic surgery of the abdominal wall with a prosthesis under general anesthesia”, confirmed the director of the office of Holy See Press, Matteo Bruni, in a statement on the pontiff’s health.

Pope Francis86, will undergo a new operation on his abdomen this Wednesday, after diverticulitis for which he was already operated on in 2021, reported the Vatican. The surgical activity deals with an operation that will seek to put a containment net or mesh in the pontiff’s abdomen to finish closing the wound caused by the 2021 intervention and which put a complication at the intestinal level at risk.

“The operation, arranged in recent days by the medical team that assists the Holy Father, became necessary because of an incarcerated incisional hernia that is causing recurrent, painful, and worsening subocclusive syndromes,” Bruni explained. According to what was reported by the spokesperson, “the stay in the health facility will last a few days to allow the normal postoperative course and full functional recovery.” The Vatican reported that it will only issue a medical report once the treatment is over. operation for which the Pope left his residence Santa Marta House aboard his white Fiat 500 L. After the operation, the Pope will rest on the 10th floor of the sanatorium.

Incisional hernias are generated and appear through a surgical incision in the abdominal wall. These types of hernias can appear years after a person has undergone surgery. On some occasions, an intestinal loop or a piece of fat can become trapped in the hernia causing what is known as incarceration or incarceration. An incarcerated hernia can block or obstruct the intestine. On very few occasions, the hernia can imprison the intestine in such a way that it can interrupt the blood supply.

Pope Francisco

This new operation has been considered an emergency intervention after the results after the CT scan that was performed on Tuesday. This is not going to be the only one to which Pope Francis has been subjected in recent years. It arrives after the intervention on the colon in July 2021. On that date, the pontiff had to undergo surgery after inflammation derived from diverticulitis. According to him US National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseasesthis disease occurs “when small pockets or sacs form that push out through weak spots in the colon wall.”

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