Argentine invention: what is the innovative software to measure carbon emissions

He cargo transportationthrough its activity, is one of the largest carbon dioxide generators, negatively impacting the environment. In this sense, companies in the sector have begun to take an interest in measuring this footprint and in working to mitigate the consequences of the greenhouse gases.

For this reason, so that heavy-duty trucks can know this traceability, the National Technological University (UTN) designed a fast and agile format that will allow count the carbon of an engine automatically from the beginning to the end of your journey. This measurement format will have innovative software created by two young Argentine entrepreneurs as technological support.

The project LOADS It is an app to make cargo transport more efficient and measure the carbon emissions left by vehicles. “An application that is easy to install on the cell phone that connects cargo providers with carriers. Through this agreement with the university, those who participate in these exchanges will also be able to measure the carbon emissions in each of their trips”, they detailed. Mauro Gorbea and Diego Tonietticreators of the software.

“Taking into account the emission factor -a calculation prepared by the chemical department of the UTN-, the kilometers of the journey and the load, the transport and logistics companies of Argentina will be able to know the scope of its polluting effects”, he pointed javier volkart, the academic secretary of the National Technological University.

Given the joint work that has been carried out with the National Transport Executive Consultant (CENT) the UTN has access to the official registry of the cargo transport fleet in Argentina. By signing this agreement with ACARGA, the application will be able to access this data with the simple upload of the patent by carriers who want to start measuring carbon footprint emissions.

Argentine invention: what is the innovative software to measure carbon emissions

Through the application you can load the georeferenced information of the truck -origin and destinations- and its transported load -merchandise and weight-. At the end of the trip, the emission data is obtained so that carriers can know the real carbon footprint of the trip. The simple application platform generates value links between load providers and carriers so that logistics processes are organized in one place.

“On this occasion, having the UTN as a strategic partner, we are going to begin to measure the carbon emissions of cargo transport automatically and accurately for all the actors involved in the activity of the exchange of products and merchandise,” they pointed out. those responsible for technological innovation.

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