Finally, Apple launches a real new product: this is what you can expect

Help me, what should I imagine?

The device would look like oversized ski goggles, and be able to superimpose images over the view of the real outside world (augmented reality or AR), but also show an entire artificial three-dimensional world, so that the wearer has the illusion that he or she is in the middle of it (virtual reality or VR).

That’s nice. But what’s in it for me?

For the time being, it is thought that it can make games and entertainment more fun. but ultimately the hope is to improve the technology so that future generations of these glasses can provide users with live information about the world before their eyes. Glasses could also replace the screen of the smartphone itself.

Are these finally the Apple Glasses that have been rumored for so long?

No Unfortunately. They are not there yet at Apple, and that will take a few years. Still, it is seen as a very important development if AR / VR glasses are indeed announced on Monday, because it will be Apple’s first concrete step in this type of product. Although Sony and Google have had VR glasses on the market for some time, this will show Apple’s vision of how the user should experience this technology. The Reality Pro, as the device is rumored to be called, should certainly become a precursor to the Apple Glasses, which have been eagerly awaited for years.

What must be so special about that?

In Silicon Valley, Apple Glasses envision light and beautiful VR glasses that people would wear continuously and as a normal model. Technology companies hope that people will be in constant contact with each other through such glasses, communicate, take in information and entertainment and, so to speak, purchase new things or services with a wink or a hand gesture. The virtual world that people experience in this way is called the ‘metaverse’. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg in particular is so convinced of its potential that he renamed his company Meta Platforms a year and a half ago and invested tens of billions in the technology. So far the results have been disappointing, but it is hoped that Apple can show with its Glasses how these types of technologies can catch on.

What does the announcement of VR glasses mean for Apple itself?

It will be the first time a major new product has been launched without founder Steve Jobs being involved. The development of the Apple Watch, which was launched in 2014, was also started under Jobs. His successor Tim Cook has made Apple the most valuable company on the planet, but there have not yet been any truly groundbreaking innovations under his leadership. With the glasses, Cook will finally create something that was created entirely under his own regime.
