Hammer Therapy | News

Disruptive, visceral, earthly, with simple and direct words. He tries to follow a line of coherence between how he lives, feels and writes. Transparent and crude with a strong psychological connotation that claims the uniqueness of people and relationships, it breaks out of the molds and romantic views of life, provoking triggers that lead to thinking and questioning.

Facundo, how were your beginnings as a writer and for what purpose do you carry it out?

I write since I was a teenager. I do it because it rescues me and tidies up my mess. Because I meet me. Because it exorcises my neurosis. Because it frees me and I can scream, kick and complain. Because I write better than I speak. Because I don’t understand the world and it’s a way to question it. Because I like it and if I don’t write I am not.

How do you relate being a writer to your profession?

I write about issues that go through all of us as human beings. Things of life itself. Love, heartbreak, fear, desires, relationships, families, losses, duels, pain, death. Those are issues that I see every day in the office.

You have a good impact on Instagram, why do you think people read you?

I’m not sure but, as I told you before, these are issues that touch us all. Many people have told me that what I write reaches them, touches them, mobilizes them and invites them to think. I guess it’s because of that and because of my writing style: to the bone, visceral, colloquial, informal and direct.

That is also why my Instagram is called “Hammer Therapy”. I related my profession to Niestzche’s concept of philosophizing with hammer blows, and since I totally identify with my way of being, thinking, seeing life and writing, it remained that way.

How did you come to this style of writing?

It’s an unknown, it comes out like this. I write what I think, what I feel, what happens to me, how I read life. I never did any writing workshop or anything like that.

How do you choose the topics you are going to write about?

It’s very random, it doesn’t work on request. I have proposed myself and they have commissioned me to write about specific topics but it does not work out for me. I don’t have a lot of structure on it and I don’t prepare a specific topic. I have a WhatsApp chat with myself where I put ideas. When one comes to my head, I interrupt what I’m doing and write it down or send me an audio so I don’t forget it. Later, when I have a hole, I take it back and give it shape.

I don’t have a particular time of day to write. What I do try is to write every day. I created that routine. Sometimes it doesn’t happen because I’m blank and frustration appears. Then I release it and return to it at another time.

Contact information:

Instagram: @terapiaamartillazos

Cell: 1149168671

Contact photographer: @pablospot

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