A man crashes the car his ‘ex’ was driving by taking the wheel during a fight in Zaragoza

06/05/2023 at 11:06


The road accident, which took place in the municipality of Villanueva de Gállego, led the woman to denounce the harassment and threats she is suffering

He was finishing his workday when his ex and father of his youngest son showed up at work to ask him to take him by car from Zaragoza to Villanueva de Gállego. Despite the repeated threats that he suffers and the occasional episode of ill-treatment, andShe agreed without knowing that this trip could have ended in tragedy.. At one point during the journey, the suspect grabbed the wheel and turned it, causing them to go off the road and collide. He he ran off leaving her there, but was arrested hours later.

This episode that is being investigated within the sexist violence occurred last Friday at 11:45 p.m. The Civil Guard received a call that a car had had an accident, approaching Rigoberta Menchú street in the Zaragoza municipality, where they actually saw a car that had had an accident. The car was next to the left guardrail, presenting damage to the bodywork. Inside was a woman, who occupied the driver’s position, who He told them that it had been his ex-partner.

The woman told them that JPP, of Spanish origin and 35 years old, had asked her to take him home and that “despite the fact that she does not have a very good relationship with him,” she accepted. «PAlong the way I was very nervous, he was reproaching me for things and when we got to Villanueva when trying to stop the car in the face of the situation, he took the wheel, made a sharp turn and I already left the road“He recounted while adding that” after that he left the place.

A fact that made this woman break her silence by admitting that She is “fed up” that two years after the breakup “harasses” me. Given this, the agents told him that he could file a complaint in which to tell everything he had suffered up to now. He did so and explained in the complaint that he had not spoken before “out of fear” and because he is the father of his son.

He asserted that the time they were a couple there were many discussions and that when it broke up she tried to stay with him in the best possible way and agreed verbally that when the complainant was working he could take care of the child. “At first nothing happened, but soon he began to harass me and overwhelm me, showing up every two by three at home or at work“, he affirmed, while noting that she told him to give him his space, although “he does not accept it, becoming very verbally aggressive.” “He has threatened to leave with the child and never see him again, or to shake my head or my family’s head if I get married.», he added. He also explained that on some occasion she has physically assaulted him, even grabbing her by the neck.

The arrested man went yesterday before the magistrate of the Investigating Court number 12 who, acting as a guard, agreed on the provisional release, as requested by his defense attorney, Carmen Sánchez Herrero. Mind you, she agreed to a Restraining order and prohibition of communication.
