Big brother Charles, 3, sweetens the pictures

Luxembourg’s little prince François was baptized on Saturday.

François was baptized by the Archbishop of Luxembourg. The Court of Luxembourg / Sophie Margue

Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg Guillaume’s and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie pit prince Francois was baptized on Saturday.

Prince François is the second child of Guillaume and Stéphanie. The Court of Luxembourg / Sophie Margue

The baptism was performed by the Archbishop of Luxembourg Jean-Claude Hollerich. The entire royal family had gathered to celebrate, including the couple’s 3-year-old first-born son, the prince Charles.

Little Prince Charles waved to the camera as he arrived at the church with his father. The Court of Luxembourg / Sophie Margue

Charles watched the christening with curiosity. The Court of Luxembourg / Sophie Margue

The pictures published by Hovi show how Charles, dressed in a dark blue jacket and a light gray shorts suit, calmly followed the service in the church.

One picture shows how Charles got to watch his brother’s special moment up close from his father’s arms.

Sometimes you had to get into your father’s arms. The Court of Luxembourg / Sophie Margue

The little prince became godfather to his father’s sister’s princess Alexandra’s and his mother’s brother, the Earl of Lannoy Christian’s.

Päivänskari got a portrait with his parents, brother and Godfather. The Court of Luxembourg / Sophie Margue

François Henri Louis Marie Guillaume was born on March 27 and is third in line to the Luxembourg crown after his father and older brother. Charles Jean Philippe Joseph Marie Guillaume, the first child of Guillaume, 41, and Stéphanie, 36, was born in May 2020.
