Municipality gives green light for tree felling Nooitgedacht

Despite protests from local residents and a working group, the municipality of Aa en Hunze has decided to cut down trees on Brinklaan in Nooitgedacht. The firs along this avenue must make way for new homes. Today the first trees were felled.

The municipality indicates that it considers the logging to be justified because of the high demand for homes. According to the Municipal Executive, housing also fits into the zoning plan. According to opponents, the municipality has not applied for the correct permit for the felling.


There is also a replanting obligation for the municipality of Aa en Hunze. Alderman Henk Heijerman indicated in the municipal council meeting on 3 February that a place was still being sought where new trees should be planted. “In total it concerns about 10 to 11 hectares, you have to find space for that.”

The oak trees on the edge of the residential area will not be felled. This has been agreed by the municipality with local residents.


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