Bari, a super Cheddira and the charge of 51,000 to chase the dream A

Bisoli’s Südtirol takes the lead in the second leg of the playoffs for Serie A. But a victory is enough for Mignani. And the Moroccan…

Will more than 51,000 souls from Bari be able to push Mignani’s men towards the final for Serie A? Around the most suggestive question is the essence of a magical evening.

But also a formidable opponent: Bisoli’s Südtirol. There will be many at San Nicola, but that’s nothing new. Maybe there will be someone more, compared to the 48,877 of Bari-Genoa (1-2) on the night of the last Boxing Day. It is true that Bari is accustomed to binges of people, warmth and enthusiasm. It has always been like this, since the days of Salvemini, Materazzi, Fascetti, Conte and Ventura. The technicians who have won the most, in order of time. There will be so many to treat yourself to an emotion, the vibrations of an evening that will begin in mid-afternoon, to win together with Di Cesare and his companions. Because it only takes one goal to beat Südtirol to reach the edge of paradise. But for their part, the South Tyroleans have the advantage of two results out of three…

Pink sweater

The Giro d’Italia must have conditioned him, to the point of prompting him to joke. At least for once Michele Mignani leaves aside his usual aplomb and replies to his colleague-rival Bisoli: “He said he won’t leave the yellow jersey in Bari either. Well, I’m trying to find a squad. I’d like to win at the Italian…”. There is, to dampen the inevitable tension of the moment. The one that Bari transmits on the skin. People talk about nothing else in every corner of the city. Football has re-exploded, thanks to the irresistible rise of the team, as well as the solidity ensured by the De Laurentiis. And for one evening, no one will worry about tomorrow, what will happen if Bari lands in Serie A or, in the worst case scenario, if he remains among the cadets.

Go Cheddira

“We have often found the goal this season. We absolutely have to repeat ourselves. You don’t need how, the important thing is to put it in.” Mignani’s wish falls above all on the shoulders of Walid Cheddira. Because, unlike Südtirol, Bari can count on a scorer who has scored 17 goals in the league and 5 in the cup. The Moroccan international has helped build a large part of Bari’s fortunes. But Mignani is certainly not lacking in other mouths of fire: from the highlander Antenucci to the baby ex Inter, Esposito, from Folorunsho (in doubt due to knee trouble) to the peperino Morachioli , already match winner in the regular season in Bolzano. And when necessary, Valerio Di Cesare is always there to remedy. At the age of 40, the defender and captain of Bari, three seals this season (among his victims, just Südtirol), intends to end his infinite career on a high note.

Bisoli confirms the defense at 3. Mazzocchi is in the front line to support Odogwu. The only doubt about the fifths: Rover, De Col and Lunetta for two 2 shirts. Casiraghi has never trained after the first leg, he could enter the last glimpse with Cissè and Larrivey, possible weapons to change strategy.
