Record number of bankruptcies in Flanders in May | Economy

In May, 893 companies went bankrupt across the country. In one year there are 9.62 percent less. But in Flanders there is just talk of a record figure: 584 companies were declared bankrupt. That is 5.23 percent more than in May 2022.

The decrease on a Belgian scale is almost entirely attributable to the capital. The Brussels-Capital Region had 104 bankruptcy orders, a decrease of 53.4 percent. According to GraydonCreditSafe, the decrease in bankruptcy in Brussels can partly be explained by the fact that the social and tax administrations are increasingly suing for dissolution, especially when assets are no longer present, instead of suing for bankruptcy. “It slightly distorts the usual bankruptcy numbers.” In Wallonia, the figure stabilized.

In the period January-May there were 4,429 bankruptcies throughout the country (+8.3 percent), with record figures in Flanders. For example, there were 2,692 bankruptcy judgments above the language border, or 81 more bankruptcies than in the record year 2013. Compared to this period a year earlier, there is an increase of 15.5 percent. Only in Brussels was there a decrease after five months (-25.3 percent).
