The fallen Farmi contestants ask a direct question to Mariko Pajalahti – The singer shakes off a blunt answer

The eliminated contestants pose tough questions to the semi-finalists. THE STORY CONTAINS PLOT REVEALS!

Farmi Suomi culminates in an exciting final on Saturday. There are three more competitors in the competition: Janne Ahonen, Mariko Pajalahti and Sampo Kaulanen.

Competitors who were previously eliminated from the competition get to vote one of the trio directly to the final. The other two have to think about a place in the finals in a challenging task.

The eliminated contestants have to make a difficult decision before the final. Alpertti Rieskjarvi Ruoste Productions

Before the vote, the losers ask tough questions to the trio. Supplier Katri Utula asks Mariko and Janne how much they have played the game on the farm.

– I have played, Mariko answers succinctly.

– Will you elaborate? Antonio Flores demands.

– I’ve played like a few joint deals and they’ve been a bit like gentlemen’s contracts, Mariko answers.

Essi Unkuri wants to hear the names that Mariko has referred to in her answer.

– You don’t, Mariko says firmly.

Mariko Pajalahti finds herself in a heated situation. Four

However, the answer does not please the fallen contestants.

– Yes, at least I want to hear the names in such a situation. If it has been played, it will be told where it has been played, Henny Harjusola says to the cameras.

However, Mariko keeps her head.

– If it depends on me not writing names on the counter, then it’s on that, Mariko shrugs her shoulders in front of the others.

The final episode of Farmi Suomen will be shown on Nelose and Ruudu on Saturday at 8 pm. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
