Reconstruction of the wastewater care table NAM Schoonebeek: Residents well involved or ‘tick the boxes’?

State Secretary Hans Vijlbrief of Mining has signed agreements on the waste water injection in the village between Schoonebeek and the NAM. This is an experiment in which residents could have a say in the process before the permit was granted. In other words, having a say at the front, at the so-called ‘unburdening table’. But there is also some criticism of that.

It is a proof of Vijlbrief. Not giving residents the chance to find out about a mining project until the permit application has been submitted and you can only object. This is intended to allow residents to participate in the discussion at an early stage and to allay concerns. Whether that is happening in Schoonebeek now and whether it is going well? Opinions differ widely on this. Naoberschap Oliedorp is satisfied, as long as the wastewater injection is done safely and the State Secretary will from now on involve the village in the follow-up talks about the proceeds from oil extraction in Schoonebeek. They must eventually flow back to the village.

Stop Afvalwater Schoonebeek (SAS) does not see a good participation process with the residents over the past year. The care table would not be a complete representation of Schoonebeek. At that unburdening table there would be an uneven playing field between residents and experts of NAM and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK). According to SAS, the village is now made responsible for agreements that must be included in the NAM permit, or that must be made by the government. And last but not least: the care table is not allowed to discuss the most important points. RTV Drenthe made the following reconstruction of a year of Relaxation table: an ultimate way to involve residents at an early stage, or put ‘ticks’ so that the State Secretary can say: Schoonebeek has been heard.
